Sexual Assault Prevention & Awareness Center (SAPAC)

SAPAC Hand Logo

Prevention & Survivor Support Services

Student Life’s Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness Center (SAPAC) promotes healthy relationships, teaches non-violence and equality, supports survivor healing, and fosters a respectful and safe environment for all members of the University of Michigan community. 

SAPAC provides educational and supportive services for the University of Michigan community related to sexual assault, intimate partner violence, sexual harassment, and stalking including a 24-hour crisis line at (734) 936-3333 and resources on ways that students, faculty, staff, and family members can help a survivor of sexual assault.


What You Can Expect At SAPAC

Will my information be kept confidential?

Yes. SAPAC is a confidential resource, which means we will not share any information with anyone unless we assess that you are a harm to yourself or others. If you would like us to be able to speak about your situation to anyone else, we would receive your written permission before contacting others.

Can I walk-in or do I need to make an appointment?

For your first appointment at SAPAC, you may walk-in or make an appointment during business hours from 9am to 4:30pm, Monday through Friday. We can also assist you in making your first appointment or return appointments by calling the front desk at 734-764-7771 Monday through Friday, 9am to 5pm.

How do I make an appointment at SAPAC?

Call the front desk at 734-764-7771. For added convenience, after your first appointment, you may email or call your advocate directly.

What can I expect when I arrive at SAPAC for a scheduled appointment?

When you arrive at SAPAC, you will be greeted by a front desk staff member. They will escort you to the client check-in station, where you will complete preliminary paperwork and an online questionnaire, which will give us a detailed account of your current needs. The front desk staff member will inform the advocate that you are here and they will come to the reception area to bring you back to their office within a few minutes.

What can I expect in my meeting with a SAPAC advocate?

The SAPAC advocate will assess your immediate needs. You are not required to share any information you do not want to share. Survivors and support people come in for a variety of reasons. This includes but is not limited to: assistance in defining an experience, help with emotional processing, guidance in considering options and resources available to you on and off-campus, facilitating academic, medical, legal and housing advocacy and support.

How early should I arrive to my appointment?

If this is your first appointment, please arrive to SAPAC 10 minutes early so that you can fill out our client questionnaire and consent for services form.

If this is a return appointment, please arrive to SAPAC 5 minutes early so that you can fill out our return client questionnaire.

Does SAPAC provide therapy?

No. SAPAC provides crisis intervention, advocacy, support, and referrals to counseling resources. SAPAC assists in connecting clients to resources for therapy within the university and in the community.

What can SAPAC help me with?

SAPAC can help you with a variety of requests. Examples of what advocacy may look like include, but are not limited to: emotional support and processing, helping you to define your own experiences, speaking with your professors or GSIs to help you receive an extension on a class assignment, providing step by step assistance with Title IX student sexual misconduct process, connecting you with follow-up medical care after an assault, assisting with room and housing relocation, assisting with personal protection order paperwork, and connecting you with a variety of other campus and community resources, including counseling options. SAPAC specializes in legal, academic, medical, and housing advocacy.

Can I bring a family member or friend to my appointment?

Yes. You are welcome to bring any support person or people with you to your SAPAC appointments.

How long will I need to wait to meet with an advocate?

If this is your first visit to SAPAC and you choose to walk-in without an appointment, usually an advocate can see you quickly. However, there may be some situations where the advocate is already meeting with another client, and will not be able to see you immediately. If it occurs that the advocate is currently busy, you have the following options: a.) waiting for the advocate to become available (typically between a half hour and a hour wait) b.) scheduling an appointment with the advocate for later the same day or the next day or c.) requesting the front desk staff call you and let you know when the advocate is available. You always also have the option to call SAPAC’s crisis line at (734) 936-3333 and speak to a confidential advocate by phone immediately.

What if I have an immediate safety need? Can a SAPAC advocate see me right away?

If you are in immediate danger or experiencing an emergency, we urge you to contact the police by calling 911.