The Finals Stress Dance

Winter semester finals are ahead, and students often feel like they have a foot in two worlds during this term. They aspire to complete the semester well and are simultaneously looking forward to what comes afterward.

As a result, students may experience significant pressure and stress. Fortunately, students tend to develop better self-management skills and academic strategies as they progress through college.

As a freshman, Clarence Womack felt exhausted by the pressure he put on himself. When he started his sophomore year, he decided to quit worrying about grades, enjoy academics, and be more mindful about the learning process. At that point, he discovered that his grades “began to take care of themselves.” This semester Clarence will graduate with a BS in Biomedical Engineering. He is enjoying an intentionally relaxed semester and is looking forward to starting his first professional position where he will continue to use his hard-earned self-management skills.

No matter how well your student manages themselves, they will usually still appreciate your help and support. Princess-Amanda Onwenu is graduating this semester with a BS in Public Health. During her last semester at U-M, she visited graduate schools. She is grateful that her parents ask how she’s doing, have helped her arrange flights, and contribute financially.

As a parent, you can support your student through finals in many ways, for example:

  • Inquire how they want to plan for self-care during finals such as deep breathing, eating, sleeping, moving their body and taking intentional study breaks.
  • Encourage them to seek help if needed and to connect with people who are important to them.
  • Send a care package; the university offers an easy option with M Gift Packages.

The university also offers many activities to help students de-stress, such as:

See also:


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