International Center
Serves the international population, facilitates intercultural and international education, and fosters a global campus community at the University of Michigan and beyond.
Counseling and Psychological Services (UHC)
Fosters the psychological development and emotional well-being of students through confidential counseling and psychotherapy.
Dean of Students Office
Provides support services and manages situations that are impacting students and the campus community.
Division of Public Safety and Security (DPSS)
The University of Michigan Division of Public Safety and Security (DPSS) supports the mission of the university as a partner serving to ensure a safe and secure environment while improving the quality of life for all those living, learning, working, healing and visiting within our community.
Student Legal Services (SLS)
Student Legal Services is a full-service law office available to currently enrolled students.
Office of Student Conflict Resolution (OSCR)
OSCR offers a spectrum of conflict resolution pathways that are educationally focused, student-driven, community-owned, and restorative in nature, which are adaptable to meet the needs of individuals experiencing conflict.