The University of Michigan delivers a world-class education to students, preparing them with critical knowledge, skills, and opportunities to be leaders in an increasingly complex world. Catalyzing and supporting students as they build the knowledge, skills, and agency for full participation in civic life must be a fundamental part of that education.
As a student at the University of Michigan, there are a number of opportunities for you to engage in the civic life of the community. From engagement through direct service to people in need, advocacy and activism to improve pressing social concerns, staying informed about important community issues, deliberating with friends and neighbors with a diversity of perspectives, and voting to influence government decisions and public policies, U-M students have tremendous agency in building vibrant, connected, and sustainable communities where everyone can thrive.
U-M recognizes that civic engagement provides students with powerful avenues to amplify their voice, their power, and their ability to shape the future. We encourage all students to engage during and after your time as a student at U-M.