Tell Your Student "Thinking of You..."

The newness is wearing off and students are settling into the routine of classes, studying and making new friends. What better time to send them a message that you're thinking of them with an M Gift Package.

Popular gift packages include:

School Spirit, Michigan Style

Many students say that they chose to attend the University of Michigan in part because of the tremendous school spirit. But what is this school spirit? 

It’s the fact that students want to be here. They come to U-M and come back to campus with joy, as shown in this video.

That talented people from all over the world gather at this world-class institution to learn and grow together, from the break of dawn to bedtime, as in this video.

Students Adjust to Succeed & Thrive

Adjustment is a key contributor to student success and thriving. One definition of adjustment is “to achieve a mental and behavioral balance between one's own needs and the demands of others.”

Make It the Best Experience

There is so much more to gain with a well-rounded education at the University of Michigan than what is learned in the classroom. Engaging with the campus community through participation in events, volunteering, sports, and student organizations will not only add impressive items on a resume, but also help students gain a greater perspective on the world, and experiences for a rewarding life.

Financial Basics for Your Student

College is a time for your student to gain independence. Learning skills for managing money can help. By keeping some basics in mind, your student can get off to a good start, which can carry them through college, and set them on the right financial path as they graduate.

Encourage your student to explore the following tips. And while there's no bad time to apply these tips, they might best be done proactively, in an effort to set a positive course and prevent problems. 

How Parents Support Students during Finals

The stressful finals period is coming up, and we asked students to share how their families support them during finals. Their ideas might surprise you.

“I love it when my mom sends me care packages with my favorite snacks, self-care items like socks and face masks, and pictures of my cats! I also like it when my family waits to call me until they know that my exams are through.”Kaitlyn, Sophomore, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, Coldwater, MI

Plan Now for Thanksgiving & Winter Breaks

Thanksgiving break is around the corner, and winter break is not far away! Here are a few tips to help you and your student have happy and safe breaks.

If your student will be traveling for Thanksgiving or winter break, please remind them to do the following:

Leave the heat on at a level that will prevent pipes from freezing and bursting (55° or above) and close any open windows. Taking these steps will help protect possessions and avoid a nasty clean-up when students return from the break.

Giving Blueday 2019

Mark your calendar: Giving Blueday is December 3, 2019. Your gift — of any size — will make a difference.

Giving Blueday is one day when the entire U-M community, from students and parents to alumni and fans, can participate in Giving Tuesday, a global day of giving following Thanksgiving weekend. See how in this Giving Blueday video.

Developing Relationship Skills in College

College can be an opportune time to build life-long skills for interacting with others. Students may find they need additional skills to engage, sustain and when necessary, transition relationships with: