Recreational Sports Facilities to Reopen

Last week, the State of Michigan lifted the executive order to reopen gyms across the state. Before your student can return to in-person workouts and activities, however, the Recreational Sports team will be addressing hiring needs, training, maintenance and safety precautions to prepare facilities to safely operate in a COVID-19 public health informed environment.

The team will develop timelines for how quickly this work can be completed and ensure we can meet all additional state requirements for your students’ safety.

Virtual Sports Opportunities

The facilities are reopening, but there are still plenty of virtual Recreational Sports opportunities ready to help your students reach their fitness goals this Fall! 

Group‑X Free Week classes are offered virtually via Zoom. To find the class your student wants to check out, they can visit the Group-X schedule on the Recreational Sports website. Starting September 7, your student can buy the Unlimited Semester Pass, which costs $35 and gives them access to all virtual classes, all semester long!

Support for student residents during partial work stoppage

Michigan Housing has both professional staff in the residence halls and student staff, many of whom are Resident Advisors (RAs). The RAs play a significant role in building community on the floor, providing connections and looking out for the wellness and safety of your student. We received word on Wednesday that some student staff in particular buildings have opted to stop work, sharing a number of concerns. Other resident advisors have shared they are continuing their duties. 

MBC North Campus Food Distributions

The University of Michigan’s Maize & Blue Cupboard (MBC) has partnered with Ann Arbor-based Food Gatherers and the College of Engineering to create a mobile food distribution program on the University’s North Campus. The program makes MBC resources more accessible to individuals living on North Campus while staying within COVID-19 safety and health guidelines. 

U-M Museum of Art Offers Satellite Voting

Your student now has a safe, on-campus location to cast their vote in the November 3, 2020 election. They can also register to vote and cast early in-person absentee ballots on campus.

Helping Your Student Stay Engaged

Social distancing, participating in virtual meetings, programs and events, and being away from home can make it difficult for your student to feel engaged on campus and connected to fellow students. But staying involved and engaged is possible, even in this unusual time.

Student Organizations
Student organizations are a great way for your student to get connected, with interests running the gamut. Much like the rest of the University, student organizations have had to modify their activities in our public health-informed environment. 

MDining To Go Express Stations

Did you know MDining has three convenient MDining to Go locations on the Ann Arbor campus? The “M-Dining To Go Express Meal Stations"  are an extension of the dining halls. Your student can choose from three different meals choices offered daily. 

Students with meal plans or Blue Bucks can use the Express Stations. The three locations are in: the Michigan Union, South Quad, and the Central Campus Recreational Building. A map for the site is here.

Housing RA work stoppage resolved

University of Michigan Housing leadership is pleased to confirm that residence hall student staff have returned to work.

Michigan Housing has both professional staff in the residence halls and student staff, many of whom are Resident Advisors (RAs). The RAs play a significant role in building community on the floor, providing connections and looking out for the wellness and safety of your student. In early September, some student staff opted to stop work, sharing a number of concerns. Other resident advisors continued their duties. 

County Stay in Place Order and Course Format Changes

Dear Parents and Families,

As you may have heard, along with the trend in the region, state and nation, COVID-19 cases are increasing on our campus. These increases among students -- both on and off campus -- have led to the need to take further steps to protect the health and safety of the campus community.